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*Four Years of the CasaCaribe Dream*

A personal update from the person behind this website. A little break.

three pieces of fabric dyed with avocado skins
one on my first natural dye experiments

On a chilly November morning in 2020, I felt inspired to share my natural dye work more intentionally. It was a transformative year; the world was recovering from the darkest days of the pandemic, and my boyfriend and I decided to move to a different country in search of better opportunities for both of us.

As I settled into our new home, the CasaCaribe dream began to take shape. Inspired by the beauty of the English countryside, I wanted to learn how to extract colors from the stunning nature surrounding me.

Before moving to the UK, I had a YouTube channel where I shared aspects of my life and practiced natural dyeing as a hobby. However, I didn't have a deep understanding of the theory behind it. In November 2020, I made the decision to dedicate my channel to the beauty of natural colors.

Since then, CasaCaribe has grown little by little and transformed my life. It has allowed me to come to terms with my career as a fashion designer, knowing the destructiveness of the industry. I like to think that CasaCaribe has also helped others immerse themselves in the world of natural dyes, providing them with well-organized and easily explained information.

Laura reading a book about natural dyes, on the back you can see a lot of greenery

However, I now find myself questioning its future. How can CasaCaribe evolve in the coming year and in the next four years? The truth is, I don't know. I've been feeling stagnant and lacking creativity. I am currently working a part-time job while studying in college to improve my chances of finding a fulfilling job that also allows me to create for CasaCaribe more regularly. Balancing everything is proving to be a challenge.

For now, I will take a small break from CasaCaribe. I will continue to respond to your questions and emails, but I will not be posting anything new for a while. I sincerely apologize for that.

I want to take this moment to thank each and every one of you for being a part of the CasaCaribe community, as well as the natural dye community in general. Thank you for watching my videos, visiting my channel, asking interesting questions, and keeping me motivated to continue.

Lots of love,

Laura Estrada.


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